Shane Celebrates Finding Strength & Confidence Under the Bar



It's the best investment you

can make for your long term health!

Celebrating his one year anniversary of training at Capital Strength, client and sword master Shane Meeks speaks
about his experience so far committing to his health right now and the strength he has gained from barbell training.

What were you most skeptical about before training at Capital Strength?
“I didn't have any skeptical thoughts. I knew I needed the accountability of one-on-one training.”

What was life like before training at Capital Strength? What did you struggle with?
“My goal is long term health; most of my struggles are with joint pain from martial arts training and old injuries.”

What specific results have you achieved?
“I've improved my bench press to 170 pounds and my squats to 215 pounds, with both increasing steadily; and I've put on about 15 pounds in total so far.”

What's life like now, how have things changed?
“Most of my joint pain is gone or diminished. My grocery bills have definitely increased as well.”

What have other people noticed or said about you that’s changed?
“People have noticed that my arms have gotten bigger.”

What’s your favorite thing or biggest surprise about Capital Strength?
“It generally has a chill, encouraging environment.”

To anyone on the fence about Strength Training, what would you tell them?
“It's the best investment you can make for your long term health!”

Do you want to Train Up too?

If you've got goals to enrich your life, so you can be there for all the family moments—like Shane—let's take the next step to see if Capital Strength can help you too.