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Here you will find guides and information we have created to help you start your training journey.
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Beginner Nutrition Resources
Use the video above to guide you through using this handy calculator to find your Calories & Macro requirements to hit your goals.
Your guide on how to get those veggies in!
Proper nutrition is critical for results! Protein is one of the most important macro-nutrients, and must be consumed adequately for optimal fat loss and performance.
Here is our guide, designed specifically for men, which is made to ensure an adequate protein intake.
Proper nutrition is critical for results! Protein is one of the most important macro-nutrients, and must be consumed adequately for optimal fat loss and performance.
Here is our guide, designed specifically for women, which is made to ensure an adequate protein intake.
Your introduction to the basic supplements you may need to add to your diet in order to optimize your results!
20 Recipes to help get your nutrition in check!!
15 New Recipes to help you keep your nutrition in check!
Zen Planner & RSVPing for Classes
Link to the Zen Planner Client & Member Portal. Use this site to RSVP for classes on the calendar.
Maximize Your Results
With Our Training Tips
Heading out of town?
Use this guide to maintain your gains!
Having trouble gaining muscle?
Make sure you are following these basic tips!
Getting started on your body transformation isn’t easy! Here’s a primer on how to get started.
Want a strong and toned butt? Who doesn’t! This guide covers the basics on how to get your glute muscles working right and an 8-week program to grow your glutes!
The Simple, No-nonsense Guide for Moms Looking to Get Fit!
Do your feet hurt? If you have plantar fasciitis, you know how bad the pain can be. Here’s a guide that can help you get some relief!
Technique Check: Push Ups
Technique check: Hanging Ab Raise
Trainer Tips: The Workout Finisher
Exercise Tutorial: The Reverse Deficit Lunge
Exercise Tutorial: The Landmine Squat & Hinge
Chin Up Progression Part 1: Foot Assisted Rack Chin Up & Jump Chin Up
Chin Up Progression Part 2: Drop In Chin Up
Chin Up Progression Part 3: Isometric Hold
Trainer Tip: How to Fix Bench Press Shoulder Pain
Tri-Set for Muscle, Strength & Fat Loss Upper Body Pressing
Tri-set Upper Body Pulling Examples
Exercise Tutorial: Single Leg Deadlift
Tricep & Bench Builders: The JM Press
Trainer Tip: Top 3 Foam Rolling Movements
Get Your Nutrition
Back On Track!
With Our Nutrition Tips
Our Recipe Database
Learn how to build meals that are congruent with your goals!
Get started the right way! Begin your fitness transformation with 14 Days of healthy eating and see how much of an impact you can make in only 2 weeks!
Dramatically improve your physique in 21 days! This is a 3-week long diet, designed to take off as much body fat as possible. It’s challenging, and isn’t a long-term, sustainable diet, but it works!
Use this calculator to determine your calorie and macro-nutrient intake goals.
How to make healthy choices when you’re on the go!
Proper nutrition is critical for results! Protein is one of the most important macro-nutrients, and must be consumed adequately for optimal fat loss and performance.
Here is our guide, designed specifically for women, which is made to ensure an adequate protein intake.
Proper nutrition is critical for results! Protein is one of the most important macro-nutrients, and must be consumed adequately for optimal fat loss and performance.
Here is our guide, designed specifically for men, which is made to ensure an adequate protein intake.
20 Recipes to help get your nutrition in check!!
15 New Recipes to help you keep your nutrition in check!
Your guide on how to get those veggies in!
Your Guide to Stir-Frying Like a Pro!
Your introduction to the basic supplements you may need to add to your diet in order to optimize your results!
Print This “21-Superfoods” List and Stick it on Your Fridge for Reference!
Print This “Low Carb & High Carb” Food List and Stick it on Your Fridge for Reference!
Tips & Tricks
For a Healthy Lifestyle
With Our Lifestyle Tips
Top 3 Mistakes Men Make With Their Health
How to Lose a Big Chunk of Fat in 5 Weeks